Friday, February 23, 2007

SNL Carries on Legacy of Hilarious Comedy Coke Consumption

Gawker just posted this entry via Page Six regarding the following blind item:

Which "SNL"-er is living up to the show's storied history of drug abuse with a whole lot of blow at the all-night after-show parties?

I mention this only because I remember reading this Village Voice article back in October about how the current cast was so clean they squeaked:

For years, SNL was synonymous with wild and crazy, not just in its comedy but also in its animating spirit; the dark side of that was discord and drug abuse—to the point where, by the late 1990s, two cast members, Belushi and Chris Farley, had died of drug overdoses. Tonight, those days seem especially distant. No one is getting smashed. No one is in the bathroom snorting cocaine. A few cast members come outside for a cigarette—Amy Poehler with her husband, Arrested Development's Will Arnett, Bill Hader, Will Forte—but that's about it.

I remember thinking at the time that this was total bullshit and that whoever wrote it had really poor skills of observation. I used to live in the same Williamsburg apartment building as a certain cast member, and every time dude got off the elevator and I got on, I practically got high off his leftover fumes. He was like Pigpen, except instead of a cloud of dirt, he had a cloud of pot following him around. If he wasn't stoned at that after-party (above), I'll eat my arm. Seriously.

Which SNL Star Is Keeping the Coke-Addled Legacy Alive?

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