Thursday, February 22, 2007

Post #11, In Which the Blogger's Penchant for Vodka Tonics and Her Inability to Describe Music Will Be Revealed

Yesterday was one of the first spring-like days in New York and while it probably didn't reach 50, winter coats were shed and skies were blue. All this got me thinking about spring music. I used to play a track from this album by Heavenly on the first warm-ish day of the year. It seemed appropriately optimistic and I'd borrowed (and accidentally kept) the album from some guy I once dated in the spring long ago.
It's seldom that I find bands to fall in love with anymore, but I'm pretty excited about these three albums below. They all make perfect sunny day soundtracks. I wish I could articulate exactly what that means, but I would probably end up churning out some bullshit that I don't even buy. The Postmarks (who, last night, after a few vodka tonics I was incorrectly referring to as "The Postcards, they're great, really," thereby making a bit of an ass of myself) are probably my favorite here right now.

The Postmarks Via Free Williamsburg
Lavender Diamond
The Bluegrass Tribute to The Shins

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