Thursday, February 22, 2007

Grey's Anatomy Doctors Can Save Friend Who's Been Dead for Six Hours But Not Mildly Sick Strangers

So Meredith Grey was dead for, like, six hours on tonight's episode and then miraculously came back to life so she can continue to have sex with Patrick Dempsey. Well, we knew she wasn't going to stay dead; you knew that, right, producers? Title characters don't die (unless you're Valerie Harper). And what kind of superhuman loses that much oxygen and then wakes up with no brain damage? And who was that annoying dark-haired doctor who had like two lines throughout the show? And why did you guys give her a job? You know, the woman who told Dr. Bailey something about "a run for her money" at the end? The one who was super overzealous, kind of like that girl everyone knew in high school who sang louder than everybody else in drama class? And how come Meredith manages to keep her job even though she doesn't really do anything doctor-y? Unless you consider whining and screwing doctor-y.

Grey's Anatomy

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