Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not Only Do Long Island City Delivery Men Lack Balls, But They Also Like To Taunt You With Food You (Apparently) Can't Afford

So I've had my share of troubles with Long Island Shitty's delivery men. But no one has ever brought food to my door, dangled it in front of me and then shrugged and walked away with it.
I will explain. I have no cash and no money in my checking account. I have only one way to make purchases right now: a Visa gift card with $30 left on the balance. There is definitely at least $30 left on the balance because I just checked the balance online. So I called this greasy little piece of hell (whose Web site advertises it as "not your ordinary, run of the mill diner" - they're right; it's worse) and ordered mozzarella sticks, a Caesar salad and a diet Pepsi. They took the number and expiration date for my Visa gift card; it's easy and works just like a credit card and I've used it at a number of places this weekend, including over the phone. They said, "Be there soon."
Thirty minutes later the delivery jerk shows up with my food. I answer the door with a pen, expecting to sign for my food. He informs me that the credit card has been declined. I tell him that's not possible because I just checked the balance. We stand in the hallway, going over the numbers together. They are correct. He tells me I have to pay cash. I say I have no cash. He suggests that maybe I could use a different card. I say I can't. He is holding my food and I can smell the mozzarella sticks. He says, "Well, sorry, I have to take the food then," and he leaves, merrily swinging the bag from one hand as he exits down the hall.
I hope he enjoys those mozzarella sticks. And I hope they make him very fat.
Seriously, though: Why would a restaurant even bother to send their delivery guy if your credit card didn't go through? Wouldn't it make more sense to call you and let you know to see if there was some mistake? Not in Long Island City, I guess. Worst. Neighborhood. Ever.

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