Friday, September 7, 2007

Oh, the Irony of It All

On the heels of my entry about America Ferrera and Glamour slimming down her lovely figure for its latest cover, I came across the Magazine Death Pool via Gawker. The site has a Dead Magazine Museum, which I was happy to see features the long-lost publication I once worked for.

However, I also noted a magazine called Mode that folded in September 2001. Mode, as you probably know, is also the name of the fictional Vogue-esque magazine that America Ferrera works at on Ugly Betty. Ironically, though, the real Mode was a mag for plus-sized ladies; its cover advertised "Smile in Sizes 12, 14, 16..." I guess they weren't allowed to promote anything higher than a 16 on the cover (or anyone from the waist down), but the ellipses give you the gist of things.

So the fictional Mode on Ugly Betty would surely follow in Glamour's footsteps when confronted with a less-than-teensy actress and Photoshop her to death; the real Mode (pictured) would have featured the actual actress in all her glory, but it folded, so never mind. Maybe it folded because they needed a new fashion editor -- I mean, come on, look at this girl. Why is she wearing a nasty hat that looks like someone skinned a cow and plopped it on her head and such a dull bikini that doesn't look like it has much support and maybe was purchased on the buck-99 rack at Dress Barn? Ah, Mode, it's great that you loved all body types, but maybe your downfall was for the best. You could have taught thousands of women to dress like hookers; thanks to whoever put the kibosh on that.

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